AI Automations

AI Workflows |
Folderr Workflows are currently in beta, with thousands of integration 'action nodes' coming soon.

Generative Automation (essentially regular automation with generative AI) requires creativity and technical understanding.
You need to envision scenarios, leverage available integrations, write proper AI prompts, and configure the 'action nodes.'
For companies looking to build automations, we are happy to do the hard work for you - just reach out to

And for everyone else, join our Discord channel if you need support.

Workflow Example 1 |

Concept: Ask 1 quetion to multiple LLMs and compare their outputs.
Action Nodes:  (Text Input, Ask AI, Output)

Text Input Node: Ask a question, and connection the question to 'Action Nodes' with 'input' fields.

This example we ask a difficult question for AI, and that is to write 10 sentences ending in the word apple. As you can see in the example below, GPT 3.5 and GPT4o both failed this test‍

Workflow Example 2 |

Concept: Read our github code repositoty and write relase notes for our users! 
Action Nodes: Used: (Github Pull Request Reader, Join Texts, Combine Text, Ask AI, GitHub Pull Request Commentor)

Ask AI Instruction: "Review pull request. User will provide list of files that were changed and list of Git Patches.
Create release notes for end-users"

This example we use internally to read our code and create nice user friend code updates.

Workflow Example 3 |

Concept: Analyze Financial Data (CSV or XLSX) data imported from ERP system, write an executive, send report via email)
Action Nodes: Used: (AI Assistant containing files and linked to LLM, Text Input, Combine Text, Ask AI, Output, Send Email)

Base Promp in AI Assistant: 
"I need you to function as an accurate accountant analyzing the uploaded document.
Do not talk with me.
Only answer the question asked.
Do not make up data.
Do not provide example data if you dont know the answer.
Your output will be used in a computer program."

Ask AI Instruction: "Write an executive Report summarizing the inventory status"

Folderr converts CSV and XLS data to SQL allowing for reliable analysis and automation relaated to financial data analysis.

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